Monday, August 2, 2010

Cucumber Salad

Take two long (English) cucumbers, or 2-3 regular (skinnier) cucumbers , peal and slice
VERY thin.
Place in a bowl. Add salt to coat the cucumbers..(.maybe a tablespoon or so)...Let stand for
10-15 minutes.
Press liquid out by squeezing it by hand, and place cucumbers in a bowl.
Prepare dressing(see below), and pour over cucumbers...just barely covering it . Stir and chill.
Best if you let it marinate at least 25-30 minutes or more.
Just before serving sprinkle with paprika. (may also sprinkle with pepper too)
Some people like to add garlic and/or sour cream to the Dressing.
Dressing: 1 cup of water, half cup of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sugar ....(pinch of garlic and/or sour cream)
(taste, after the cucumber plus dressing marinated for a while.....add water, vinegar or a bit of sugar if needed)